PLC provides independent assistance in the development and evaluation of energy-efficiency projects. From determining baseline energy consumption to accelerating the contract negotiation process and verifying energy savings.

The measurement and verification (M&V) process begins at an early stage of project development when decisions are made on what type of energy-efficiency measures will be undertaken and how much energy savings  can be expected from them. We act as an independent third party, assisting with each step in the process. We can also assist with the preparation of bidding documents:

  • Preparing the request for Expression Of Interest (EOI)
  • Preparing the Request For Proposals (RFP)
  • Negotiating with the selected energy service contractor
  • Establishing baseline energy consumption levels
  • Monitoring of energy efficiency project implementation
  • Training of operations & maintenance staff
  • Selecting the method for measuring and verifying the performance of energy-efficiency measures

Why is measurement and verification important?

Energy efficiency projects do not always perform as anticipated for a variety of reasons. So it is important to accurately determine how much energy has actually been saved. This can be done in part through metering and sub-metering of facilities and equipment. But correct interpretation of the metered data is essential and involves adjusting the data for such things as temperature variations, changes in building occupancy and use, and the installation or removal of energy-consuming equipment. The final energy consumption figures are compared to an accurately determined baseline of energy use to come up with the energy savings figures.

PLC offers a full range of M&V services, including:

  • Documenting baseline energy use data
  • Designing a user-friendly, real-time energy use data base for all energy usage
  • Developing project performance indicators for use in subsequent M&V activities
  • Applying internationally accepted protocols (IPMVP) for the measurement and verification of energy savings (
  • Post-installation inspections of contractor work to ensure equipment has been properly installed and is operating optimally.
  • Validating the reports produced by the selected ESCO